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Tripawd Timeout

YES! I know! It’s been quite awhile since I checked in here.  Been having a little “legal” trouble as of late. I’ve been in something (according to the chick) called Tripawd Time Out.


It all started a few weeks ago when I discovered I could open the “garbage cabinet” and rifle through that plastic bag thing where they hide all the GOOD food. You know what I’m talkin’ about, right?… empty cat food cans, old bones, the crap they collect in the vacuum canister??? Uh huh… the gourmet selection.


Well….”she” came home once or twice and caught me in the act. <eyeroll>


Bad for me.


But DANG, that girl has a mouth on her!!! You would think it was the first time in her life she ever met a 3-legged dog that could do something totally amazing….like open a cabinet door with their nose. Geesh!





Published in: Uncategorized on July 10, 2012 at12:57 am Comments (6)

Surprise Guests!

This week we have some special visitors!! The little stink bombs have been showing up pretty much EVERYWHERE. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Naps, Walks, Rescue Transports, etc. We can’t seem to shake them.


But now that I think about it…Mom says I look like Cleopatra when I lounge in my Red Flyer, I wonder if I could get these two stinky beasts to feed me some grapes? Oh wait….maybe not grapes. Maybe meatballs. Yeah…meatballs. That’ll do.




Anyway….Mom decided to set the little punkies down on the rug to see what we would do. I yawned and rolled over for belly rubs. But My Monkeybutt Brother went right for…you guessed it…the Monkey!!




Dang! Ya can’t make this stuff up! 😀







Published in: Uncategorized on June 7, 2012 at12:14 am Comments (8)

O Sole Mio!

So have I mentioned I love car rides?? Heh…a prize for anyone who can guess how many blog posts have started with that sentence!!

A few nights ago, Mom came home from another one of those trips and was feeling guilty as usual. So in addition to my walk, I got an extra car ride. She trusts me more and more these days and rolls the window down a little extra each time. She still gets all nervous, but seriously…where am I gonna go?? I am not MonkeyButt Chaz who could throw his whole bad self out the window without any warning.

Hello…senior tripawd here!!! Even if I COULD manage to launch myself out said window, it’s not like I am going to gain any ground…while she pulls the car over and tackles me with a full-on body block. We’ve already been to that rodeo my first week on the job. Ya know, when I bolted out the side door and down the driveway before she knew what hit her. SUPRISE!!! Didn’t think the old Tripawd Princess could move that quick, did ya? <tee hee hee>

But I digress. I have decided that I prefer to listen to the Opera Channel on satellite radio as we make our way around the neighborhood on these car rides. It makes me feel….I don’t know…sophisticated? The mellow tones soothe me somehow. On this particular adventure, we listened to the Mass in B Minor by some dude named Bach and we went to some place called a liquor store cause Mom was out of wine.

If she needs whine, I don’t know why she doesn’t just ask my whiny monkeybutt brother. Go figure! 😀



Published in: Uncategorized on May 13, 2012 at8:25 pm Comments (8)

A Special Visitor…


Sometimes, I don’t know what to say about this chick called my Mom. She has all this fancy camera equipment, but when there is a TRUE Kodak moment, she is an epic failure. Case in point…


Today, my first Foster Momma came by for a visit. Her name is Susan and she is one of the most awesome people on the planet. She took me in, took care of me, advocated for me and loves me still to this day. I could just tell.


It has been a long time since I cuddled with her, but I recognized her right away. The true Warrior Princess always recognizes those who do you a “solid”.

Anyway…there are no pics of this beautiful moment, but the memory will live on in my heart. So instead of pictures of the moment…my Mom thought it would be cool to share this instead. Thank you Susan…my Mom will ALWAYS be grateful.


Published in: Uncategorized on April 29, 2012 at11:11 pm Comments (4)

Guilt is Good!

Quick update…Mom and Dad thought it would be cute to slip away for a few days and leave me here alone with the monkeybutts… Chaz the Spaz and two felines named Jinx and Sir Polly. 

(Once again I have to ask….Sir Polly?  Seriously?)

 But I digress…

The good news is THEIR guilt…is my PLEASURE.

 I totally love it when they feel bad. 😀




Published in: Uncategorized on April 10, 2012 at12:56 am Comments (5)

My New Wheels


It has been a rough couple of weeks for this Warrior Princess.

Somehow or another, I injured my remaining front paw. Managed to tear a piece of the leathery paw pad covering off…rendering me raw, bloody and unable to “hop on three”. Yes my friends … I was down to two. It wasn’t pretty.

Almost drove my Mom over the brink with worry. Heh! I love keeping these bipawds on their toes. Uh…Mom??? Hellooooo!! WARRIOR Princess! Not delicate princess. Geesh!

ANYWAY…I am back in the saddle!!

Truth is, I wasn’t too crazy about the idea when they first suggested it. “Oooooo Missy Peggy” she cooed. “How about your own wagon? That way we could go for really long walks with Dad and Chaz!!”  I just sat in my chair and mustered up the best “bored” look I could manage. My Mom means well, but sometimes that sing-song voice is just plain annoying.

Well…before I know it, Dad is taking some big plastic thing out of a box, and swearing like a truck driver, surrounded by small plastic baggies full of metal stuff and hammers and screwdrivers. The next thing I know, we are in the back yard…she is cooing again…and I am being lifted in to a … RED FLYER. Crikey!

But in the end, and after careful introspection….I find it suits me.

It is red. It is sporty. And those three big black labs down the block STILL want a piece of this. Uh huh!











Published in: Uncategorized on March 18, 2012 at8:25 pm Comments (6)

My Dad Rules

So, have I mentioned that I looooove car rides? Well, peanut butter ranks pretty high too, but car rides top the list.

My Mom works at home on some days (at least that’s what she SAYS she’s doing) and always tries to take me and Chaz for a ride around lunch time. She makes a big show of having “errands” to run and loads us into the car and off we go. And then we get to cross stuff off her list. Big Deal.

But on weekends, it’s my Dad’s turn to take us for a ride. And he doesn’t make up ANY stories about lists and errands. He just fires up the engines and we’re off!! With no point at all other than to make me…Princess Pegzy Petunia…happy happy!!!

He drives us around the zoo and rolls down the window so I can stick my head out! Mom freaks out and yells about how dangerous it is, but we go slow and I just love to sniff all the Zoo-y smells. He goes super slow around the back of the enclosure where the buffalo live.

Man…I just loooooove me some stinky buffalo! They’re my favorite. 😉






Published in: Uncategorized on February 29, 2012 at2:34 am Comments (4)

There’s a New Butt in Town

Well, I guess it was bound to happen at some point. She brought home another one.

This woman is deranged. How does she expect a Tripawd Warrior Princess to maintain any dignity with all these MonkeyButts running around? (For those of you who have not been following along, MonkeyButts are the 4-legged siblings of Tripawds)

Mom says we all have to be nice to him because he came on a rescue transport from a high-kill shelter far away…just like me.

Blah, blah, blah.

The little MonkeyButt’s name turns out to be…get this….SIR Polly.

<snort> As if there is any more room for royalty in THIS house.


Sir Polly

Published in: Uncategorized on February 16, 2012 at7:26 pm Comments (5)

Farewell, Purple Squirt!

It is with mixed emotions that we say “Auvoir” and “Fare Thee Well” to Barney.

(Truthfully, Mom is not even sure if “Auvoir” is a real word. She took Spanish in high school.)

But we do know we will miss His Purpleness. Our time with Barney passed too quickly, she says. Even though the point of the Kill Barney Tour is to rough the little guy up and take out our frustration and aggression on his bad self….we will still miss him.

Mom says what Barney ultimately brought to our lives was so much love and kindness and caring that it is hard to even describe. Every day, we log on to and we catch up on the latest news.

Which of our pups has recently learned that it is better to hop on 3 than limp on 4?

Which of our pups is getting a new and totally awesome harness or chariot?

Which of our pups is in the battle of their life… and winning?

And with aching hearts, which of our pups has recently earned their spirit/angel wings?

There is no day that passes without tears of grief and/or hope in our house.

Mom spent one last night combing through the Barney Box. She wanted to hold and smell each momento one last time so she could remember all the Warriors. Tonight, Barney waits on the front porch for his ride to his next stop.

Goodbye Dino Boy and always remember….TRIPAWDS RULE!!!


Published in: Uncategorized on February 8, 2012 at1:34 am Comments (9)

Barney gets ruffed up…

Well, we were hopin’ to shed some stuffing…but it was not to be.

Good thing since my Mom does not know how to sew. In the end, I decided that I could take or leave the stupid stinky Dino. I am way more interested in going for a ride in the car with my Dad.

Chaz Man,on the other hand, was totally inflatulated. NO really…flatulate being the operative root word. In this video, watch carefully. Every time you see Barney being jerked from the frame…that would be Chaz. It takes SOOO little to entertain a Lab.

Published in: Uncategorized on February 1, 2012 at11:46 pm Comments (5)
pegz viz, warrior princess is brought to you by Tripawds.