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Alien Princess

Miss Pegz  has a very naked belly.

A true southern belle, she does not have the kind of coat that easily protects from the harsh reality of a Buffalo winter and lake effect snow. Her belly is so cute … she has all these dark freckles and one is in the shape of a perfect heart. But I digress…

A few weeks ago, I bought her a sweater. Let me preface this by saying I am not usually a fan of clothing dogs. But I was worried about the bare belly and her little stump. She is a full front left amputee and the area has no fur to protect it.

So I bought this goofy sweater at the pet store and did a few alterations. I sewed up the hole for her front left leg, so that her stump would be covered and protected from the cold. (Please note that this was a huge stretch of my domestic abilities).

Nevertheless…when we go out and she hops down the street, I can just hear the people driving by. “Stupid woman! That poor
dog’s leg is caught in that dumb sweater.” LOL!

Today, I tried to put the sweater on BEFORE she got off the chair. I was thinking it might be easier before she stood up and we had to wrestle her other leg into the hole.

I snapped a picture just in time to see a paranormal phenomenon! I present to you….Pegz Viz, Alien Princess. 😀


Published in: Uncategorized on December 18, 2011 at6:57 pm Comments (6)

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  1. on December 18, 2011 at 7:07 pmriosmom Said:

    I’m not usually a fan of dog clothes either, but between Rio’s hair loss from radiation and Cushings and all the shavings she’s had for surgeries and treatments, she’s a naked girl, too. We bought her a velcro’d coat this past winter, and it’s way more convenient for putting on and taking off than the over-the-head variety… Although, you wouldn’t have had the cute photo op without it! 🙂


  2. on December 18, 2011 at 7:30 pmetgayle Said:

    “take me to your leader”…. poor pegz, the price we pay for style and warmth… we’re sure she appreciates being toasty during her walks.

    charon & spirit gayle


  3. on December 18, 2011 at 7:41 pmDakota Dawg Said:

    Oh those are the familiar laser beams of disgust aimed at you! She is trying very hard to use her laser influence to make you put the sweater elsewhere, like under the couch.

    If you will allow me to digress, our monkeydog Evelyn is a bulldog, and I didn’t know till I got her that all bulldogs are spotty underneath. She also has a bare belly, and she’s white, so…my dalmatian bulldog!


  4. on December 19, 2011 at 12:10 amkviz Said:

    SO I did this whole long response earlier to all our friends who commented. And somehow, it is nowhere to be found??
    It must be me. 🙁


  5. on December 19, 2011 at 1:31 amjerry Said:

    She’s glowing with happiness! What a cute outfit, nice work!


  6. on December 31, 2011 at 2:10 pmCindy Said:

    Wanted to read more of your blog after reading your recent post today about Jake and had to laugh when I saw this. I mirror your thoughts exactly about dog clothes and sewing skills. But what really made me laugh is the picture — it’s exactly the same pink sweater I bought for Ruby. Unfortunately I haven’t seen the glowing etes phenomena yet….


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